Annales d'Amerique latine et des Caraibes

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  Annales d'Amerique latine et des Caraibes


ISBN: 1274-1159

Study Finds Mindfulness and Experiential Avoidance Impact Smartphone Usage
Mindfulness can counteract excessive smartphone use, says Indian study published in International Journal of Yoga.

People who lose their teeth from poor oral hygiene more likely to suffer chronic back pain, new research shows
People who lose their teeth from poor oral hygiene are more likely to suffer chronic pain in the lower back and buttocks, according to new research.

New Study Finds How Being Angry Can Raise Your Risk of Heart Attack
Previous scientific studies have suggested that there might be a connection between feelings of anger and an increased risk of heart attack. Now, some new research seems to illuminate why that is.

Watching sad films could make you more likely to make impulse purchases, with sadness appearing to trigger short-sighted behaviour, study finds
Researchers found people who saw a weepie were more likely to make costly impulse purchases, with sadness appearing to trigger short-sighted behaviour. (Stock Image) ...

Being physically active may boost quality of life for middle-aged women – study
Researchers said women should increase their activity levels to meet World Health Organisation guidelines on physical activity by age 55.

Plant-based meat no better for you than the real thing, study finds
If you want to protect your heart health – or avoid diabetes – it’s a good idea to limit your consumption of red meat. But if you’re looking for a repla ...

Larvotto study doubles throughput for NSW gold-antimony mine
Larvotto Resources says engineering studies have shown it can double the process plant throughput at its NSW gold-antimony mine to 500,000 tonnes a year.

Practitioner research isn’t enough. FE must embrace a research ethos
Twenty-seven years ago, when the Learning & Skills Research Network (LSRN) was founded, only a small band of enthusiasts and a few larger colleges were engaging with it and little infrastructure ...

New Study In Journal Of Zoology Says Sasquatch Sightings Are Likely Just Bears
A new scientific study sadly announced that Bigfoot is probably not real. The Journal Of Zoology reported that when black bear populations increase in an area, so do the number of people reporting ...

New Study Finds Physical Fitness Can Improve Mental Health in Children and Young Adults
Researchers in Taiwan tracked children's performance in sporting activities like running, sit-ups and jumping to study how it impacted their mental health diagnoses over time ...

IIT Indore study reveals early diagnosis of Alzheimer's possible with advanced AI techniques
Indore, has suggested that early diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is possible with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. The study, published in the Nature Mental Health ...