Archives de philosophie du droit

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  Archives de philosophie du droit
Country: France

Publisher: Dalloz

ISBN: 0066-6564

Study abroad in France
Studying abroad in France is the best way to immerse yourself into the French culture and lifestyle, while also improving your French language skills. Discover the charm of Paris of the French Riviera ...

Military rank affects medical care, offering societal insights: study
Now, a large new study published Thursday in the journal Science reveals that military doctors give more attention to higher-ranked patients, providing concrete evidence about the privileges that come ...

Study: Kids with long COVID have impaired exercise capacity
Researchers conducting a small study in Rome discover that, compared with healthy controls, children with long COVID (LC) have objective impaired functional capacity as expressed by a low VO2 peak ...

Thrombectomy promising for Stroke with Large Infarct of Unrestricted Size, unravels study
France: In medical breakthroughs, the recent trial focusing on thrombectomy for stroke with a large infarct of unrestricted size has ignited hope among healthcare professionals and patients alike.

The spread of misinformation varies by topic and by country in Europe, study finds
The eventual prevalence of a piece of misinformation may depend on its topic and the country in which it spreads, with notable differences between the UK, Germany, France and Italy, according to a ...

France pushes to grow night train offer
FRENCH transport minister, Mr Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, has announced further details of a planned Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) to operate new international overnight services from France, ...

Obese people take more sick days off work, study claims
Obesity is causing considerable work absenteeism, affecting the labour market, researchers warn. The academics from Vienna who studied more than 122,000 people across Europe, say policymakers must do ...

Study finds men who regularly push themselves aerobically live longer
High-performance runners get an extra five years of healthy life, on average, compared with the general population, according to a study by Australian and Canadian researchers.

Paleo diet? Study reveals new insight on what Stone Age humans really ate
according to a study published Monday in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution. Scientists analyzed chemical signatures preserved in bones and teeth belonging to at least seven different ...

Study in France
Another huge draw is the relatively low cost of study due to the French government subsidising tuition fees - although different rules apply to European Union (EU) and non-EU students. Studying in ...